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😎 About

root@kali:~# whoami

Hi! I'm iXelszyπŸ‘‹

Just an ordinary person who loves all about Technology, GNU/Linux, games, anime, music, and other tech stuff.
I enjoy watch anime, playing games, listening music, and learn something new. I'm 16 and I don't even have my identity card yet. So annoying πŸ₯Ή

Other interests::
intersets with Operating systems, open source, game development, privacy, SysAdmin, tildeverse, fediverse, bioinformatics, biohacking, hardware hacking, data mining, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Jamstack, 3D design, CTF, SSG, IoT, DFIR, OSINT, reverse engineering, malware, cryptography, HPC, composing music, neural network, deep learning, and More (just interested).

This just my personal webiste.

Welcome and thank you! Ciao

πŸ“‡ Contact

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